We are now using only buttons made from natural materials. Our buttons are made from corozo, natural horn, mother-of-pearl, coconut shell and, for denim, metal.
We are now using only buttons made from natural materials. Our buttons are made from corozo, natural horn, mother-of-pearl, coconut shell and, for denim, metal.
We introduced corozo buttons in our collections to replace synthetic ones, and they have become our favourite buttons ever since. Corozo buttons are made of tagua nuts from Phytelephas Macrocarpas palms that grow in northwest South America. Our tagua nuts come from Ecuador which is the main source of corozo in the world.
The name of this species derives from the Greek roots “phyton” and “elephas” meaning plant and elephant respectively. The name might come from the very large size of both the fruit and its seeds. The fruit is around 30 cm in diameter and contains around five seeds. Each seed ripens to become a hard, ivory-like material, often called “vegetable ivory”, which is used to make the corozo buttons. The material has great properties and it can be cut, pressed, heated, lasered, tinted and polished to extraordinarily bright finishes, which is of course great for making buttons.
Corozo palms only grow in the wild, most often in areas unsuitable for normal farming. The nut is collected only after it naturally falls from the palm which ensures that the nut has matured for button production (when the nut is unripe it contains coconut water-like liquid). This makes the corozo uniquely environmentally friendly even among natural materials as no farming is involved.
Once collected the nuts are manually dried, peeled, cut and then transported for further mechanical processing in Panama. The corozo collection and initial processing give extra income and play a role in supporting rural communities. Finally, corozo buttons are dyed in boiling dye baths using natural dyes specifically produced for corozo production. As it is a naturally-formed material, each corozo button has a distinctive grain and a beautiful, fingerprint-like pattern that is unique for each button. Which is another reason we love corozo buttons.
We introduced corozo buttons in our collections to replace synthetic ones, and they have become our favourite buttons ever since. Corozo buttons are made of tagua nuts from Phytelephas Macrocarpas palms that grow in northwest South America. Our tagua nuts come from Ecuador which is the main source of corozo in the world.
The name of this species derives from the Greek roots “phyton” and “elephas” meaning plant and elephant respectively. The name might come from the very large size of both the fruit and its seeds. The fruit is around 30 cm in diameter and contains around five seeds. Each seed ripens to become a hard, ivory-like material, often called “vegetable ivory”, which is used to make the corozo buttons. The material has great properties and it can be cut, pressed, heated, lasered, tinted and polished to extraordinarily bright finishes, which is of course great for making buttons.
Corozo palms only grow in the wild, most often in areas unsuitable for normal farming. The nut is collected only after it naturally falls from the palm which ensures that the nut has matured for button production (when the nut is unripe it contains coconut water-like liquid). This makes the corozo uniquely environmentally friendly even among natural materials as no farming is involved.
Once collected the nuts are manually dried, peeled, cut and then transported for further mechanical processing in Panama. The corozo collection and initial processing give extra income and play a role in supporting rural communities. Finally, corozo buttons are dyed in boiling dye baths using natural dyes specifically produced for corozo production. As it is a naturally-formed material, each corozo button has a distinctive grain and a beautiful, fingerprint-like pattern that is unique for each button. Which is another reason we love corozo buttons.

Natural horn
Natural horn buttons are made from by-product horns of buffalo and bulls used in the diary and meat industry that would be otherwise discarded. Our horn buttons are made in India. First horns are washed and dried, and a solid piece is called a ‘horn tip’. The horn is sliced according to the desired button thickness. Then from this piece round buttons are cut, called ‘button blanks’, in different sizes from 12mm diameter to 31mm diameter. Thickness is typically 6.5mm. Then the buttons are finessed according to each individual design. The horns come in many natural colours, each in an individual shade and pattern. This colouring cannot be recreated by synthetic production and gives a beautiful accent to the clothes. Real horn buttons are also extremely strong and can withstand even the most rigorous washing. Similarly, coconut-shell buttons come as a by-product from food industries and are great for buttons in smaller sizes with a rustic feel.
Natural horn buttons are made from by-product horns of buffalo and bulls used in the diary and meat industry that would be otherwise discarded. Our horn buttons are made in India. First horns are washed and dried, and a solid piece is called a ‘horn tip’. The horn is sliced according to the desired button thickness. Then from this piece round buttons are cut, called ‘button blanks’, in different sizes from 12mm diameter to 31mm diameter. Thickness is typically 6.5mm. Then the buttons are finessed according to each individual design. The horns come in many natural colours, each in an individual shade and pattern. This colouring cannot be recreated by synthetic production and gives a beautiful accent to the clothes. Real horn buttons are also extremely strong and can withstand even the most rigorous washing. Similarly, coconut-shell buttons come as a by-product from food industries and are great for buttons in smaller sizes with a rustic feel.

For blouses or lightweight dresses we use mother-of-pearl buttons that have subtle shine and more of a delicate look. They are made from the inner layer of oysters or other molluscs. Typically the shell material comes as a by-product from other industries. Shell material has been used for making buttons since the pre-industrial era, before plastic materials were discovered.
For blouses or lightweight dresses we use mother-of-pearl buttons that have subtle shine and more of a delicate look. They are made from the inner layer of oysters or other molluscs. Typically the shell material comes as a by-product from other industries. Shell material has been used for making buttons since the pre-industrial era, before plastic materials were discovered.